Training and Animating
Our development education action is part a broader context of establishing a close link with several countries from the global South. For us, the importance of an intercultural dialog that allows day-to-day exchange as well as in the long term is paramount.
This guiding principle constitutes the foundation of our training programs. By immersing small groups in a context and cultural environment that is diametrically opposed to their own participants are shocked and develop awareness. The context in which our projects are rooted links directly actions to thoughts and thoughts to actions.
In general, our trainings deal with the North-South relations and aim at planting a seed that leads to reflecting upon their complementarity.
Interactive workshops, role-plays, testimonies, calling into question some prejudices… they are all the starting point for a preparation work tailored for a public aware of these issues and curious to unveil its roots. They aim at demonstrating the mechanisms of misdevelopment and the interdependencies among populations.
The trainings motivate questioning our own value system by confronting it to that of the culture from the global South. We also offer more practical training, including: role-plays and case analysis, animations in school environments…
These trainings are open to anyone person or group interested in gaining a better understanding of the North-South interactions: for instance participants and team leaders from the international projects. People who do not want to immerse themselves on the ground are also welcome. They are especially interesting for teachers or animators that are looking for tools that stress the North-South complementarity.
Think and do it yourself
Training to global justice and nonviolent direct action.
Training Civil Observation Brigades (BRICO)
Quinoa has started with a new program of training available to any volunteer that wants to go to Chiapas, Mexico to get involved in the Civil Observation Brigades (BRICO, by its Spanish acronym) – coordinated by our partner FRAYBA– and to reconnect with the struggles of the indigenous and Zapatistas communities of the region.
Preparation for a trip in the South
Through games, debates, situation … Quinoa training courses offered in preparation for a trip in the South, are directed to anticipate the challenges of intercultural encounter and have a reflection in your project..
Accompaniment Youth Movement
… wanting to do a project in the South.
Educational Animations
Initiation to interactions amongst peoples
Quinoa offers an educational approach that combines playing, participating and reflecting in order to address the realities of our contemporary world in a systemic perspective. Diversity is seen not only as a means of questioning oneself, it also allows for mutual enrichment. Our animations use role-plays, exercises in small groups, audiovisual supports, testimonies from the volunteers that were there on the ground…
Objectives : these animations in school environments are aimed at creating a thought process, raising awareness or even urging young people to commit so as to gain a better understanding of the North-South relations. The animations give rise to a global citizenship open to the world, responsible and supportive. They have a tendency of rendering the global South in broader a socio-historic perspective. They also raise awareness on the realities and socio-cultural wealth that Southern countries offer. They do this by bringing the Southern populations closer as subjects of their own history and not as objects of our own discourse and our own external vision. It’s a question of shedding light to the interdependencies between the North and the South and the inequalities that arise as a result.
Subjects dealt with: Approach and analysis of the representations and images about Southern countries; Challenges and issues of intercultural meetings; Brief history of North-South relations; Globalization, what is it?