Educational Tools
Tribunal for the Abominable and Furtive Courgette
For more than 50 years, the big international institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund or the European Union have relied on industrial, intensive and chemical farming as well as export agriculture to feed the planet. They have also promoted comerce liberalization of agricultural products wich aligns global prices with the most competitive one (i.e. the lowest one). This does not allow small farmers to survive.
By reenacting a tribunal, this tool highlights the flaws of the dominant agricultural model and invites us to rethink the way we face the challenge of feeding the world, while insisting on the need to change paradigms.
String Game
The string game is an interactive game that enables the participants to represent the links, implications and impacts that consumption choices have. It gives insight on what the content of an average food plate in Belgium has in common with issues like water qualitiy, southern countries external debt, malnutrition, global warming or the working conditions in Costa Rica.
Taking food as a starting point, the game shows the inextricable links there are between the economic, social, environmental and political fields of our society. It also underlines the interdependence that exists among the world’s popoulations when dealing the phenomenon of globalization and the preeminance of the market over everything else.
In addition to the folder presenting the logistics of how to animate the game, a help notebook gives you some clues to rethink the way we relate to the world and ideas of possible alternative behaviors to the ones of the current society model.
An educational tool for trainers and animators of the voluntary sector, for higher education, secondary and primary teachers, for training trainers…
Potentia, the power of collective action
Potentia’s objective is to strengthen the understanding and perception of citizen initiatives, make them concrete and visible and share a thought on engagement. This tool takes food and agriculture as its gateway and showcases the systemic dimension of the processes of social change and their emancipatory nature. Enhancing and promoting these collective processes contributes to building an optimistic view of the world and encourages people, by inspiring them, to participate, individually and collectively, within processes that aim at social transformation.
Chairs Game
The Chairs Game is a traditional tool among those used for raising awareness of international solidarity, it allows to visualize in an interactive and gripping way the distribution of the world’s population and the inequalities of wealth between different regions of the world. In its “Refugees” version, it allows to establish links between global inequalities and movements of people under the responsibility of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to part with the representations and to deepen the various contexts of migration.
Dezobeyi - Disobeying, an act of citizenship
Disobeying… A form of commitment? Quinoa offers an educational tool around direct non-violent action and civil disobedience: from North to South, direct non-violent action is – and has always been – a lever for social change. Women’s right to vote, abolition of segregation, land recoveries…: all of that was obtained through actions of “disobedience”.
Explore the struggles – and victories – of these women and men who have disobeyed.
Minga, voice of resistance
In South America, indigenous peoples have been unfairly evicted from their lands for nearly 500 years. They are invaded by mining projects, oil drilling, the extension of industrial monocultures or tourist projects…. “Death projects” that destroy their territories and the cultures related to them.
Travelling through the Mapuche’s Patagonia to the hills of the Mexican Zapatistas, via the Harakmbut’s and Yanomami’s Amazon, the Brazilian camps of the landless people’s movement, the beaches of the Garífunas in Honduras, the Kichwas’s Andes in Ecuador and Aymaras’ Andes in Bolivia, the lakes of the peasants of Peru, this movie gives a voice to the native peoples, descendants of slaves and settlers, and questions the foundations of the Western culture.